This section explains the tagging system used for Cypress and Cucumber tests. Tags help categorize and selectively run tests based on environments, test stability, or purpose.
Tag Descriptions
- @stable_test: Tests that are stable and expected to pass in all environments.
- @regression_test: Tests run before a release to ensure core functionality.
- @school_api_test: Tests interacting with the school API.
- @staging_test: Tests specific to the staging environment.
- @pr: Tests run during the CI process for Pull Requests.
- @unstable_test: Tests that may fail intermittently due to environmental factors.
- @group-A / @group-B: Tags for grouping tests in parallel execution.
- @schedule_run: Tests tagged for scheduled runs in CI.
Tag Hierarchy
- Feature-level tags apply to all scenarios within that feature, unless overridden at the scenario level.
@regression_test & @stable_test
Feature: Account Management
Scenario: Edit email as an internal user
Given I am logged in as an internal user
When I navigate to the account settings
Then I should see that my email is editable@unstable_test
Feature: Add-ons Management
Scenario Outline: Access Add-ons page
Given I am logged in as '<user_role>'
When I navigate to the Add-ons page
Then I should see the Add-ons interface
| user_role |
| admin |
| teacher |@school_api_test & @staging_test
Feature: User Management
Scenario: Admin manages users
Given I am logged in as an admin
When I add a new user
Then the user should appear in the list
Examples: School API
| user_role | user_email |
| admin | admin@school.com |
Examples: Staging
| user_role | user_email |
| teacher | teacher@staging.com |@pr
Feature: Critical Paths
Scenario: Verify homepage loads
Given the application is deployed
When I navigate to the homepage
Then the homepage should load correctly
For detailed information on the full usage of tags, please refer to the full documentation in README.