📄️ Getting Started
Development Setup
📄️ Project Structure
📄️ Code Conventions
- Code Conventions
📄️ Git Conventions
Each change should be done in a Ticket (no matter how small).
📄️ How To
Collection of instructions on how to do certain things:
📄️ Writing Tests
How to write valuable, reliable tests, that are easy to maintain.
📄️ Accessibility (A11y)
We want to make sure that our product can be used by anyone.
📄️ Colors
In the Material Design system (the foundation of our component library), colors and color schemes are used to create a visual hierarchy, direct focus, and enhance the user experience.
📄️ Identifying and Resolving Circular Dependencies
What is a circular dependency?
📄️ Hints for Working
Working with Material Design Icons
📄️ Component Development Guidelines
HTML is not a string